Tim Forman, American b. 1986 ‘Everglades Morning Mist’

‘Everglades Morning Mist’
By Tim Forman, American b. 1986.
22 x 28 in. oil on canvas, signed.
Tim Forman is enjoying a growing public interest in in his highly accomplished depictions of South Florida and the Bahamas. His recent merits include: 2014 A. E. Backus “Best of the Best” art show received an award of merit. 2014 ‘Impressions’ a juried art exhibit at the Bonnet House Museum and Gardens. 2014 Lauderdale Yacht Club 7th Annual Invitational Art Show. 2013 A. E. Backus ‘Holiday Extravaganza’ art show. 2013 Exhibited art at the Annual Bench and Bar Convention. 2013 A. E. Backus “Best of the Best” art show. 2013 29th Annual Riviera Country Club Art Show in Coral Gables. 2013 Exhibited artwork at Banyan Air Services. 2013 Lauderdale Yacht Club 6th Annual Invitational Art Show. 2012 First Private Art Show at the Lauderdale Yacht Club.