A 19th Century French Bronze Statue of Venus Genetrix, Barbedienne/Achille Collas foundry mark

A Classical Icon. H: 25 inches. Base: 7.5 x 7.5 inches. Asking price $ 2,450.
The Barbedienne foundry was started in Paris in 1838 by Ferdinand Barbedienne and Achille Collas, who was the inventor of a machine that would mechanically reduce statues. They at first produced bronze reductions of antique sculptures of Greek and Roman origin. Their first contract to produce bronzes modelled by a living artist was made in 1843 when they arranged to produce the works of Francois Rude. They barely survived the revolution and financial collapse of 1848 which caused many artists and foundries to declare bankruptcy. Barbedienne actively pursued contracts with the many sculptors of Paris contracting with David D’Angers, Jean-Baptiste Clesinger, and even producing some casts for Antoine Louis Barye as well as others.