Eugene Galien-Laloue, French 1854-1941’Place de la Concorde, Paris’

‘Place de la Concorde, Paris’
by Eugene Galien-Laloue, French 1854-1941.
10.5 x 18.5 in. watercolor and gouache on paper, signed with pseudonym.
Asking price $ 14,500.
Eugene Galien-Laloue was born in Paris in December, 1854. He was a pupil of Charles Laloue and was a member of the Salon des Artistes Francais* from 1877. He painted the countryside around Normandy and Seine-et-Marne, and he is known to have illustrated some military subjects in 1914. However, Galien-Laloue is most highly regarded for his exquisite paintings of Paris in which he conveys the essence of the Belle Epoque*. His most usual medium for these works was gouache*, a mixture of opaque watercolour and glue, which he used to maximum effect. The artist captures the atmosphere of the bustling and fashionable boulevards of the great city and his portrayal of the horse-drawn carriages, trolley cars and the first omnibuses are of historical as well as artistic interest. Galien-Laloue was a forerunner in popularizing the painting of street scenes and later artists such as Edouard Cortes and Antoine Blanchard were inspired and influenced by him.
This particular painting is like many others signed with one of Galien-Laloue’s officially known pseudonyms ‘Lievin’