Summer in the Park, Paris by Lucien Adrion, French Post Impressionist

‘Summer in the Park’ by Lucien Adrion, French (1889-1953)
18 x 22 in. without frame, 26 x 30 including frame
Oil on canvas, signed
Housed in a Barbizon style gallery frame.
Lucien Adrion: With international auction records up to $104,500 (29 x 36 inches) Lucien Adrion is a much admired and desired artist. After beginning as a technical draughtsman in Strasbourg, Lucien Adrion became a fashion designer in Paris a the age of 18, and then traveled to London, Munich, and Frankfurt. He was apprenticed as an engraver to Hermann Struck in Berlin, returned to his home town in 1919, and finally settled in Paris where he allied himself primarily with Chaim Soutine, Michel Kikoine and Pinchus Kremegne. He exhibited regularly at the Salon des Independants, d’Automne and des Tuileries. He took a variety of external scenes as subjects for his work, showing a particular fondness for the most picturesque aspects of the Parisian landscape, beach scenes and horse races. His relaxed style was enhanced by a late Post-Impressionist technique, and he was a prolific producer of work. He is known as a painter and watercolourist mostly of landscapes. He was born in Strasbourg in 1889 and died 1953, in Paris.
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