Miss Hootie, July 1993 – September 13th, 2014

Over 20 years ago Deborah was doing the Scott Antique Market in Atlanta, Ga and lo and behold she watched someone drop a box of kittens into the parking lot. Well needless to say, dressed that day all in white, she went crawling under the trucks and found three kittens. The rest is history. All three were brought back to South Florida and made instant family members.
Over a period of time adjustments were made and Miss Hootie was moved to the shop where she adjusted well. She became quite a connoisseur of fine furniture, testing every chair that came into the gallery to find the one most comfortable for her. She was the consummate greeter to all that entered her premises, always making her presence known as she followed you around the shop.
On Saturday Miss Hootie passed away, very quietly and peacefully in the presence of her favorite friend Miss Deborah. She will be missed by all, even our clients who were allergic to cats.